Friday, November 13, 2009

Are you dreams premature??

Counting down the days till I say good bye to Peru! I have different feelings. I am very excited to come home and see everyone but I am also very sad to say bye to my new friends and family here in Peru. It is a lot harder than what I imagined it be based on what people told me. I am trying to remember all of the things that have happened since last Friday.

I told you in my last blog that we had an Outreach or Campaign on Saturday. It went super great! We had around 100 people there and between 15-20 gave their hearts to Jesus. It was super neat to see!! We worked on the outreach for a couple hours during the day with another church. They had to come a long way to help and they were such a big help. I am so very thankful for their help!! Sunday was great service. We had a guest pastor from the amazon. It was a little hard to understand and translate because he spoke very fast, but he was funny. We had some visitors at church who were at the outreach the day before.I was excited to see that!! It was a great weekend!

Monday was an ordinary day. Nothing new or exciting really went on. But Tuesday was another story. We woke up early that morning because this was the day we were going to the Hillsong United concert. I was so excited! Wow the concert was amazing. I started to tear up before the concert when I realized that I was leaving. When we got in the concert and they started to sing the songs in Spanish and English I couldn't help but cry. I was crying because the lyrics in the song. They kept talking about making God your all and lifting His name up on high! God really spoke to me saying that it is not about where you are and who you are with it is about bringing glory to his name. When you have this perspective then it helps you wherever you are in life.

Wednesday and Thursday were pretty normal days. I am going to say that there is not a day that I don't cry now. I am crying every day because just realizing that I am leaving here. Thursday was terrible. One of the ladies in the church was telling me something and I had to walk away. She was telling me about her little boy Jeimy. I teach him English everyday of the week. I told all the kids on Wednesday that Thursday would be my last class with them. He went home and asked his mom what did Miss Austyn mean by that I don't understand! She told him she has to go back to the United States. He looked at his mom and said but she lives with the pastor she lives with pastor... mom. I just started to cry when she told me this. I love the people here. I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would come here and feel so loved and feel so at home. No one could have prepared me for this.

Today is my last free day. I am going shopping with my best friends and people that will always be in my heart. I want to bring them in my suitcase with me lol. Tomorrow night I am preaching at a youth group again. It is the same one as I went to in the beginning. I am super excited!! On Sunday I am preaching here in Jicamarca for the last time on this trip. I am believing that God will speak through me and will move in mighty ways! I am very excited to see what God has to do these last days!

Something that God spoke to me yesterday which was very good. You can be impregnated with dreams and desires and give birth prematurely or be overdue. Or you can give birth at the right time. As long as you are seeking His face and glorifying His name then it will be the right time!! You may be pregnant with a dream but if you try to push to soon or wait too late then there could be problems with the dream. I want to give birth to a healthy dream! Something that will live long after I am gone! So are your dreams premature? Are they overdue? There is always a time of waiting, of growing, and of stretching. It is very uncomfortable... so sometimes we try and push before the dream is ready. Sometimes even though it is painful we get use to the pain so we don't push!! Whatever your situation is I want to encourage you to last through the pain and push when the time is right. Wait... but don't wait too long! Listen! Tune in your ear! See with the eyes of Christ!

Thanks everyone for your prayers! I am very excited to be coming home and to see everyone! I will be getting on the plane on Monday morning bright and early. Please continue to pray for Jicamarca and Pastor David and Ceci! There are a lot of things going on with the land that I don't understand. We just have to know that it is in God's hands. Please pray that God speaks through me on Saturday and Sunday. I want His presence to fill the room. I know that He has something great in store. Thanks again everyone for praying! I can't wait to tell you all the stories!
Well it is time to go shopping! I am very excited! I am going to buy gifts hehe! I also have my last English class with the adults. It should be a great day.
Thanks again for everything you do!

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