Friday, November 6, 2009

Every Heir Goes Through The Slave Stage!

What a wonderful week!
A lot has gone on since the last blog!!

Last Friday, after leaving the internet we went straight home. I have English class with the adults on Friday nights so we went home so I could prepare. After class around 10 at night there was a knock on the door. A lady and her father were at the door... she had been beaten up by the gang members. Her face was terribly swollen and she could barely close her mouth. It was a horrible thing! The next day they did everything they could to get a report filed. I was at home all day wondering what was going on... they went to the police station and filed a report but the police officers had been payed off by the gang members. It was a pretty twisted situation! She is scared because she knows she is doing the right thing and in doing so it puts her life in danger. Everything seems to be good with the situation now. Pastor David talk with a congressmen and I believe she is going to receive protection. God is so awesome!

Sunday was such a fun day... but before I get to the fun part I have a serious story to tell you. Pastor David had a meeting with Mario (who is a land owner) and some other pretty important people. One of whom is in politics and has a lot of money. This politician is a "not so good" man. They came to the church about 1 hour before we were suppose to start. I was in the church with Jean Carlos, Cesar and Rosita when Pastor David walked in the church and called my name. He gave me his cell phone, looked at me very sternly and seriously and said,"Austyn take my phone and pretend like you are talking on it. I have something serious for you right now. There is a white car in the road, and in that white car are the bad guys that beat up the girl. They are terrible. I want you to go to the guys pretending to talk on the phone and take a picture. DON'T let them see you. I need this picture." My hands started to tremble and my knees started to shake. I walked to the house, got out my camera and took pictures. But of course when I did this... I took them of the wrong men. What happened was, when I got to the house there was no white car... so I took pictures of the only men outside! It was kinda funny inside the house with Jovana. You should have been a fly on the wall for that situation.
After that happened and things calmed down we started church service!
Sunday just couldn't be a normal church service... now could it. Jean Carlos asked me to sing. UGH JC! So it was Jean Carlos, Me and Jovana singing! I knew most of the songs we sang that day which was good until we got to the two songs I didn't know in English or in Spanish. It was pretty hilarious if I do say so myself!
After service we celebrated Jeimy's Birthday. It was lots of fun! After the party we had a little drama practice which went good. We have an outreach tomorrow so we needed to practice a drama. We also broke out the guitar and had a little worship time. It was so great.I love acoustic worship. It was lovely.

Monday and Tuesday were pretty normal days. I did school with Eliel Hodges, studied Spanish, taught English to the kids, and studied the Bible. This is pretty normal and as uneventful as possible in Jicamarca.
Wednesday was a fantastic day. Wednesday night we had a small group in the home of one of the couples in the church. It was a very good time. One of the ladies asked a question at the end and even brought her own bible. I love seeing God move in the lives of people. It's a lot of fun to watch.
Yesterday....hmmmmm...what happened on Thursday?
You see when you have something interesting happen almost everyday it is very easy to get your days mixed up and confused!
I will have two not new students tonight. They are two students who barely ever come to English class. I am very excited. One said, "I will be there at 8 on the dot" and the other said, "I will be there at 7:59 and 59 seconds!" I don't really believe them...we will see!!
If they do come I think my mouth may drop to the ground. It will be pretty crazy!
We almost had an extra client in the business today because we said I was going to cook but then I realized I was going to the internet! Whoops lol!

Yesterday I was reading in Galatians. In Galatians 4 it talks about being an heir. Every heir before they are ready to take the throne goes through a process to get him ready for the throne. Every heir starts as a slave. Even Jesus went through that process. He served first before he sat on the throne next to his father. We have to serve first. There is a time for everything. There is a spot on the throne for us and there is a time for us to take that spot!

Something else God spoke to me this week was He is the Power! A very powerful ax in the Master's Hand accomplishes much. The very same powerful ax in the hands of a little kid has no power! It is not the weapon that matters but whether you have the Master's Hand wielding the instrument. Who is wielding your instrument?

I am beginning to prepare myself to come home. I am leaving here in 10 days! I feel like I just arrived in Peru and now I am getting ready to leave. It is a hard thing to leave relationships behind. I am very excited to see family and friends and share the stories with everyone.
I am going to finish this phase strong so that I start the next one strong. I am ready for whatever God has for me.

Thank you everyone for your prayers. They have been a big help. Please Continue to pray that God's will be done. One of the men in Congress is suppose to be coming out this week and bringing an investigator! Pray that the Lords will be done. Also tomorrow we have a BIG outreach. We are expecting a lot of people and for GOD to shake Jicamarca! It is going to be an amazing night were God shines. I am very excited of the things to come. Thanks again to everyone for you support. Your prayers have made a difference!
Love you,

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