Friday, October 30, 2009

What are people saying about you?

Asu (wow) what a week this has been! My days are kinda jumbled! I am trying to remember what happened on which day! 

I don't remember what day this was exactly but I visited a lady in the church who wasn't doing so well this week! Giovanna, July, Rosita, and Me all went to visit! She began to tell us how she felt depressed and all alone! she is a single mother of two gorgeous girls! She also began to tell us how she was hurt by people in the past and she was very angry about it! Some of the ladies spoke with her and then asked if i had anything I wanted to share! I said yes first of all about the depression and feeling of being all alone, My biblical answer is this your not alone because it says in the bible that Jesus sent us a helper, the holy spirit, so you can't be alone! I continued to say that you are also not alone because you have these amazing people who have taken time out of their day to visit you and lift you up!! You are definitely by no means alone! Then the anger... Everyone who talked before me said that she needed to forgive and let go of what had happened! I looked at her and said you need to pray for those people who hurt you, those who are hurting you, and those who are going to hurt you! When you do this not only do you allow forgiveness to reign in your heart but you are blessing them in return! It takes a lot to pray for people who hurt you! She said your right! I'm tired of feeling this way and I am ready for a change! I know it won't be easy but I am ready for it! Wow I just love seeing God work in peoples lives!! 

Now onto Saturday! It was a wonderful day to be alive and in Peru!! I left the house with Rosita at 1 in the afternoon! We went downtown and had so much fun!! We got to see some cultural dances! They were so beautiful! They made me want to learn how to dance! While we were walking this guy yelled out hola greenga! I looked at him and then Rosita! I said Rosita he doesn't know me because I am not a greenga I am a cahacha! A Cahacha is a native peruvian from a certain part of Peru! Most of them are taller and lighter skin! It has become quite the joke now!! 
Later that evening I went to a church to speak to the youth!! I was excited because my peruvian family was coming and it was going to be great! I spoke on relationships!! It went very well!! I didn't have an explosive Holy Ghost blow out in the end but the Holy Spirit ministered to there hearts!! I really enjoyed! I had fun there and showed my funny side of speaking!! I used the movie cinderella and they all started to laugh! It was a great night! 

Then on sunday I also spoke in Jicamarca at Iglesia Vida! It went very well! I spoke on modesty and purity! We were ugly pieces of coal at first but after going through the fire and accepting Jesus we became beautiful diamonds!! Sometimes we forget that we are diamonds and we cover ourselves up with dirt! I used a glass marble as my diamond and dirt! It was great! In the end I had one of the ladies in the church tell me that her in her husband we going to change the way they dressed and that they were going to change what they let in them! I was excited to hear that! 

Monday was the start of a very busy week for me! We started the restaurant! I have been here in Peru for a lot of first times for the people! It has been fun!! David and Ceci made profit from the restaurant that day even after feeding four families for free and paying help!! It's pretty awesome the way God works!! I am getting more and more excited to see him shine in everything that I do! 
Tuesday started out as just a normal day!! Rosita and I went to the market and bought stuff for the restaurant! I went in my pajamas! That was hilarious! The taxi driver sure was laughing.... at least my teeth were brushed and my hair was fixed lol!! While we were at the market we found a friend of ours Corey! I am going to tell you a little about corey! He is a very sweet person! He is a taxi driver that we all know very well! He hasn't been on the right path and he knows it! There is always problems at home and he doesn't get showed love! His dad actually cursed him a couple days ago! That night he came to church! Tuesday nights is prayer! We had already started and we praying when he walked in! He cam in sat down and started to cry! i have never seen him this broken! Pastor David gave him a hug and prayed with him! It is crazy how when you become desperate for change and for God how quickly you can change! He is like a completely different person now! He got rid of all his bad music and pictures! He plays hillsong now in his car all day! he has been coming to church and just amazing!! When I first arrived to Peru I could barely get him to talk to me! I would have to ask him over and over again before he would say anything, but these past couple of days he won't stop talking lol! He even read a bible verse out loud in church! I am just in awe of the way God works and moves! It is amazing!! 

Wednesday and Thursday were pretty normal days! Last night we had two visitors come to church which was great!! After church a group of us piled into Corey's car and went down to the Porton (the bus station) singing hillsong really loud! It was so much fun! When we were down there we picked up mi cachorito! (my buddy) He had gotten off of work really late!! It was hilarious!! We went back to the house and chilled out! Just talked, listened to music and had fun!! There is no gas in the house which means no light, no hot water, no nothing! FUN FUN FUN! I am hoping that we get gas today or tomorrow! 

God is so good!! When you take time out of your day to seek after Him it is amazing to see him reveal everything to you!! I just love it!! I read in Proverbs 27:21,"The refining pot is for silver and the furnace for gold, and a man is valued by what others say about him" What are others saying about you? It really made me think! What am I doing to make people say the things they do! For every statement made about me there is a reason it was made! I challenge to watch your actions, watch what you say, watch how you treat others because this is how you are valued! That is how we elect are president! We place are value in him based on what we see and by what others say about him! So what are people saying about you? I am so excited to see God reveal himself to me in mighty ways in these next two weeks! I am both happy and sad to see that I only have two weeks left! 

Yesterday when I was out praying July and her Daughter Shantal came out and started talking with me! Shantal said that she was my hermanita or my little sister! I was holding back tears! July and Carlos are like my Peruvian parents! I love them dearly! It was so cute when shantal said that yesterday! It is a lot harder than what people think... but I know that I have made connections and relationships here that will never go away! 

Tonight I have english class and drama practice! It will be a very fun night! Thank you everyone for your prayers! It really has been a help to me and those around me! Please continue to pray that Gods will be done in the land! We are still working on the paperwork and getting everything in order! Continue to pray for David and Ceci that they receive rest through all of this and that God refresh them on a regular basis! 

The last thing I want to put in here today is our of Matthew chapter 7:6,"Do not give what is holy to the dogs, nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet and turn and tear you in to pieces." What we have is precious so we need to guard it and guard it well!! You wouldn't hang you most valuable possession out the window of the car while driving on the highway! So why do we do it with God! Remember what you have on the inside of you is a very precious gift that no one can take away or ruin but you! It is your decision in the end! So what will you decide? 

Oh yeah I almost forgot my spanish word for the week is Cachorito for a guy and Cachorita for a girl! It means little pet or puppy when you translate it but it is something people call there friends that is cute! My spanish phrase is lo que sea! That means whatever in spanish! a very important phrase to no hehe!!! Thanks for the prayers! Please continue to pray that Gods will be done! 
Love you guys,

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