Friday, October 16, 2009

My Tongue is like a pen of a ready writer!!

Wow what a crazy week this has been! Really pressing into God and searching His face! I have exactly one month left today till I journey back to the states! God has really been working in me and helping me to hear his voice loud and clear!!

Nothing new going on with the squatter situation as of right now! Still praying that God's hand is over everything!! I will keep everyone updated as I am updated!!

This week I have been busy decorating the kids school room and cleaning everything!! I have the opportunity to speak this Saturday in a church to the youth! I can't wait to see what the outcome is!! God has amazing things in store and I know if I submit to the process then the outcome will be amazing!! Yesterday in my daily bible reading in psalms 45:1 it says,"My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the king; My tongue is the pen of a ready writer." My prayer is that the Lord be the writer!! Not just in things concerning the church but in my everyday life! What is it that you want me to say! What is it you want to say through me! Give me discernment and wisdom!
Another thing God has been dealing with me is not to see the whole picture! Sometimes (Most of the time) we don't see the whole picture we see it piece by piece! It's okay to not know everything right now! Just take a deep breath!! Be still and know that He is God!! Its crazy how easy it is to become overwhelmed with life and to forgot who GOD is!!

In Jicamarca Peru we are planning an outreach to youth in the neighborhood! At first it wasn't going to be anything big! Just something small to kick the youth ministry off! Now It has turned into a huge event! We have churches from all over coming to help! Its going to be fantastic!! Doing dramas, worship and all the planning and preparation is great! We practiced a funny skit last night! It was so hilarious!! I will video our next practice so you can enjoy the humor as well!! Please pray that through this we reach the community and that lives are impacted!!

That is all I can think of at this very moment!! I am trying to rush to finish this because my computer is about to die and I forgot my charger! CRAZINESS!!! I will leave you with this statement found in proverbs 16:1,"The preparations of the heart belong to man, But the answer of the tongue is from God." You do the preparation and God will show up! You prepare the table and He will come dine! You prepare the heart and He will come dwell!!

Please continue to pray that God reign over the situation here with the land and that in the end glory is brought to Gods name!!

1 comment:

  1. Great blog!!!! WOW!!! I will prepare and He will come dine! Good stuff!!!
