Friday, October 2, 2009

Trust and Be Led!

Wow....Its the beginning of my third week in Peru! I can't believe I have almost been here for one month! God has already spoken to me so much I can't even imagine what He will say next!!

I will give you a little insight as to what a week looks like for me! I wake up every morning around 8 and eat breakfast! After breakfast I teach school to Eliel Hodges, Then is English classes with the kids! There is three church services a week and the nights we don't have church I teach the adults English! A pretty full week yet so much fun!!

God is so good! On Tuesday night during prayer God really spoke to me! We were praying and singing songs to the Lord and God brought to my remembrance the story of Esther! He said,"Austyn just like Esther had to undergo a beautification and purification process before being brought to the do you! Now is your process! Esther was taking away from her natural surrounding, away from her family, away from everything she knew to undergo this process! It was uncomfortable I am sure but she was never alone! Pretty neat when God tells you things! I just love the way He reveals it to me!!

The next day (Wednesday) we went out to evangelize! I taught about 14 kids English and then a bible lesson about Noah!! It was awesome because God used the little kids to let us be able to lead 3 parents to Christ! God is so amazing!!

Yesterday in my devotions God really revealed to me to TRUST AND BE LED! Everyone thinks they trust till they are taken out of their comfort zone then its a whole new aspect of trust! I never realized how much I didn't trust God until I was in Peru! Trust and Be Led! We have to learn to be willing to let God do his will and delight in it!! So do your part and Be Led by God and He will to the rest!!

Please continue to pray about the squatter situation! It has been quiet for now but we believe they are getting organized for a big invasion! We are praying for confusion in the enemies camp and just like God just the mouths of the lions in the lions den with Daniel that He will do the same here!! TRUST AND BE LED!!

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