Friday, September 25, 2009

It's My Choice!

A lot has gone on since my last blog!

I will start with the wedding! It was so much fun and very beautiful! It started out with worship music and then very similar to a normal ceremony in the States! I do have a funny story from the wedding! We were all standing and the Father of the bride was taking pictures on the stage when all of a sudden he stepped to far and fell off the stage! Then he was trying to get up he couldn't grab on to anything!! Pretty hilarious if I might say so myself! Then the Mother of the groom was so short her feet couldn't touch the ground when she was sitting down lol! Anyways it was lots of fun!

Now I have a scheduled day for now!! I have been teaching Eliel Hodges (that is the missionary family that I am staying with son)! I do school with him everyday in the morning! Then after lunch I teach English to a group of about 6 kids! They are so smart! I also teach the adults English 2 times a week! We are having are third class tonight! They are so funny! The very first class I had with them one of them brought me an apple! hahaha!

It is so neat how sweet they are! They are really making me part of their families! One of the ladies in the church told me that the reason she wanted to learn English was to be able to communicate with me while I am here! WOW just amazing how sweet they are!

On the 23rd of September we had another squatter scare! There were about 5000 squatters trying to take the mountain again! The police and lawyers took them away this time! Now there are rumors that they are going to try again today or tomorrow! We just continue to pray that God will shut the mouth of the enemy!

God is so awesome! I have really learned that since I am here it is my choice how these two months go! If I want them to be a good and productive two months then I have to make it good and productive! It is my choice! I have really been seeking Gods face in a way like never before! There is something about being somewhere were you don't speak the language and you don't have you normal leaders to speak into your life that you have to speak for yourself! It has definitely been a growing experience for the time that I have been here! I can't wait to see what this next week holds!

Well thanks everyone for your prayers! I will try my best to keep you as updated as possible!
P.S. (The food is amazing! I already have recipes to bring back with me to the states! The only meal that I don't really really like is called ceviche! It's raw fish lol!)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Austyn! I'm really enjoying your posts! I am glad that citizens there are so warm, and inviting towards you. I am so excited about all that you are experiencing. I really admire you as a peer for being so well grounded, and so open to allowing the Lord to use you, to bless and help others. I know you and God will continue to do Amazing things together as Father and Daughter. Luv ya, Pal!!! I'll keep praying about those Squatters!!!
