Saturday, September 19, 2009

¡Peruvian Wedding!

Today has been an ok day! My dad left this morning which was very hard for me! When I woke up at 7 he was gone! I said goodbye at 3 in the morning and it didnt hit me bacause I was so tired! I read my bible and is Psalms 18 it says that God is our strength! It doesn´t matter where you go God will still be your strength and help you! I am really relying on that verse right now to help me make it through! I am trusting in God to give me peace!

Tonight I am going to a Peruvian wedding! I am so excited! I will take tons of pictures to show you! Its going to be so much fun!

On monday I start teaching! I am a little nervous because I have never done it before but I know I will do good!

Dame un abrazo Senor!!


  1. I love you sis, God will be faithful and your time there will be so fruitful. Grandpa and I miss you lots. I'm excited to hear all about the Peruvian wedding.

  2. I'm so glad for you. I'm sure you will have a great time there. Can't wait to hear more from you.
