Sunday, September 13, 2009

Last Sunday!

Today was a very bittersweet day! For the bitter part it was my last sunday and last day till I leave and embark on an adventure! The sweet part I AM GETTING READY FOR AN ADVENTURE!! It was really rough this morning saying goodbye to everyone. (I think I am all out of tears at this very moment.)  I leave bright and early in the morning! I am so ready for what God is going to do in me and through me! I realize that this is an opportunity that not many people my age get to experience! Grace, Grace, Grace!!  God has given me the grace to walk through this next season of my life! WOW..... I just can't believe that it is already here! I am getting ready for an adventure that only I can partake in! God has something special in store for me and I can't wait! I don't know how much I will be able to get on here and update but I will try my best! It gives me a lot more space than FB hahaha!! Please do keep me in your prayers as this is the first time I will be away from home for this long! I know that it will be a stretching and growing experience that I am as prepared for as one can be! Thank you all for encouraging me and pushing me to the next level! Tomorrow is the day! Not the end but the beginning of a whole new chapter in my life!! 


  1. Wow!!! You amaze me!!! Thanks for being so tech savvy and settting this blog up! I love it!! So proud of you!!! Keep it up!!!
    Love you~mom

  2. I am proud of you too!! I know your future is bright, the Dream is Big and the Destiny INCREDIBLE!! I can't wait to hear all about it!
    Much Love,
