Tuesday, September 1, 2009

12 days and counting...

As I count down the days I am getting more and more excited! I know that this is going to be an amazing trip where I will discover not only more about God but also more about myself! I believe that God has something amazing in store for me and I can't wait to get there!  

Ok so now that there is only 12 days to go I have to begin to pack... its a never ending process! The list of things to get is forever long! I mean what if I forgot something... that would be a world crisis! Ok so maybe not but I have a lot to pack!  Any suggestions on what I can do to make packing easier???

Tonight we had hour of power at the cathedral of praise! It was very powerful and very sad at the same time! It was the last hour of power till I leave! I am beginning to realize that I am going to be gone! I know that I will only be away for two months but its still two months! I am nervous, excited, scared, happy, full of joy, ready to go, anxious and pretty much any other emotion you could possibly imagine! 

"Be the change you desire to see happen in the world." Ghandi

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