Friday, October 9, 2009

Diligence is the Key!

This has been quite a week!! I will start from the beginning with my trip to the zoo!
Wow was it fun and funny!! Es fue muy graseoso! It was Me, Jovana, Jean Carlos, and their little brother! We had a blast! I have so many Peruvian traditions to tell you about! The first one is that every time a blonde American comes and goes to the zoo they have to wear a tiger hat on their head! It is a must! Oh and then its another tradition that when you see water you have to jump in and go swimming! You can't pull the native Peruvian in with you because that is very offensive! Last but definitely not least when birds poop on you its good luck! Did we have fun or what! They also bought me a Popsicle called pintura lengua! Which translated means painted tongue! They gave me the green one because they wanted my whole mouth to be green! I figured it out though because I am so smart!! What a wonderful Saturday I will never forget!

Now onto Sunday.....was another great day! I preached! ME!!!! I actually spoke to adults! I was really nervous about it because I have never done it before but at the same time I had such peace about speaking! I knew what I was going to say and I knew it was from God for now! The title of my message was praising through the race! I was using the story in the bible where moses was on top of the mountain with his hands raised while the Israelites were fighting the battle! And God just spoke to me and said," Austyn you have to praise through the race!" Life as a lot of people say is like a race! Its a pretty long marathon in my opinion! Sometimes its really easy for us to become distracted by all the other runners that we forget the purpose of the race!! At the end of a marathon only one person wins! At the end of my marathon I want people to be praising God not singing praises to my name! I want God to be glorified!! What we do during times of endurance determines the Glory brought to Gods name!! Had a great Sunday! After service we played volleyball! So much fun!

MONDAY! On Monday a lot happened! David and Ceci were gone almost all day working on trying to get papers for the land! It's a really confusing situation! It was a real tranquil day for the most part! At night I taught the adults English! That was the funniest class yet! You see one of my students was making fun of me the day before! I told him that he was laughing now but I had in class for one hour so I would be laughing soon! Sure enough did we laugh! I did a review of what we had learned so far! At the end of class I walked to up to the misbehaving student and said,"VETE A LA ESQUINA!!!' Which translated means go to the corner in a very strong voice! I moved an adult man to the corner and tried to take a picture it was hilarious! After class they tried to teach me some Spanish! It was wonderful! I had such a great time!

TUESDAY! What an eventful day! David and Ceci were gone all day! I was at home with the boys and hermana Julie almost all day! We started prayer at about 7 p.m.! In the middle of prayer there were squatters on the mountain behind the church! They were shooting fireworks towards the church and throwing rocks and saying bad things! We all went outside and started to praise God and pray! It was wonderful! After that they stopped and went away so we all went inside the house! And wow was it fun in the house! I showed them how to do the cupid shuffle! We were all dancing for like 2 hours! It was such a great time! Videos of this are going to be on my FB and on YouTube!

WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY! Well these days have been a little less eventful! Today is my Internet day!! Soaking it up lol!! I will tell you this funny story! Last night Jean Carlos was trying to call Jovana but her phone was dead so I told her to use my phone! So we used my phone and she called him! After like 20 minutes he called back so I answered considering its my phone! He said hey can I talk with Jovana! I gave the phone to Jovana and told her to tell him I was really hurt that he kept calling my phone but never talked to me! So today I sent him a message and He called! I said HEY Jean Carlos how are you doing? How is work coming along? The funny thing is I just saw him like 20 minutes before! He said what you think your funny you think your funny...well you are lol!

Well that is all as of right now! I did the prayer meeting last night as well due to other things going on! It was really good! I shared about the difference between hearing and listening! Had a good time! Please continue to pray about the squatter situation! We have a feeling that they will try and invade this weekend! I am really excited to see what God has in store! He has done so much already what else could possible happen! Seek understanding diligently and He will give it to you! Not just whenever but diligently! Diligence is the key! I serve an Amazing God!!
Thanks to everyone for praying!! Love you all oh so much!!

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