Friday, October 23, 2009

Be the Change you Desire to See!!!

Wow what an amazing week to see God move in mysterious ways! Testimony after testimony of what God has done!
I will begin with Saturday....which for you who don't know is like one big testimony! That morning we were suppose to have the owners over for breakfast to talk about the land! They arrived about one hour late! A little disappointing and nerve racking having to sit and wait! When they finally arrived they took a quick tour of the property and then we ate! Well when I say we ate I mean they ate while we watched and drooled! Pedro cooked chicharon.... which is fried pig! Yum did it smell good! At the end of eating they went outside to the mountain to talk about the property. While they were talking we were praying for favor! Well did God move or what! At the beginning of all of this they wanted an outrageous amount of money for the property, at the end they ended up donating more than what we were asking for! The paperwork will be finalized in a couple of days I believe! Pretty crazy how God works! When you trust, obey and don't back down when things get tough God truly blesses His children! That was just the daytime on Saturday!

That night I went to a church and spoke to their youth! I was super nervous! This was the first time for me to speak at a place where I didn't know anyone not even my translator! I prayed before the service and asked the Holy Spirit to move! Speak through me and allow me to minister to the hearts of these young people! My topic was identity! Who are you....I asked! What have you become? I really dislike the statement "I want to change I really do!" My reply back to that is "then change!" There is either change or no change... not want! My motto for how I live my life is "Be the change you desire to see happen in this world!" The word "be" means to have the identity of! Therefore we need to have the identity of the change that we want to see! After I got done sharing I had the worship team come play and opened up the altars! God really allowed me to minister to many people! I am so thankful for the experience and for being able to be used! I desire to see more events, more youth services, more church services like that....not just through me but through youth! It's time we step up and stop handing it off to the adults! WE CAN DO IT!! I did ask a very important question near the end of my message! I asked,"How old do you think I am?" I was shocked with what I heard! They thought I was 28-29! I think I almost had a heart attack! Oh my 29!!! Wow I said, "oh no no no no!!!" It was hilarious!! I asked them because I wanted to make the point that they could be up here speaking too!! What you put in you, eventually comes out! If you fill yourself up with good stuff then good stuff will come out!

Sunday and Monday were kinda rough days for me! When I first arrived I had my eye set on the day of my return home. I was really missing everyone! The longer I am gone, it's so sad that I have to leave here! I really wish that I could communicate better with everyone! That has been one of the most frustrating and fun parts! On Sunday after service we were sitting around talking! Of course everyone was talking in Spanish....normally that doesn't bother me because I can understand what they are saying! Except on Sunday I couldn't understand anything and my brain hurt so much from having to translate in my mind! I just wanted a break! But I have to tell you this...The people of Peru are amazing! One of the couples in the church (Julie and Carlos) are just awesome! Carlos came and sat next to me and started talking to me and looking at pictures with me, To make me feel better! When he got home Carlos and his wife called me and asked how I was and how the service went on Saturday! They are truly the most amazing people ever! They have a special place in my heart!! Mi Tortuga y Mi Loco! I love them so much!

The rest of the week was pretty calm! Rosita and I went to Julie and Carlos' house and played some games! It was hilarious! Then we walked back home with Carlos! That was the greatest walk ever!! I race Carlos up the street! Then I decided it would be easier if he carried me on his back up!! Good times!!

Last night we had church and it was interrupted by yelling! Everyone ran up the mountain (except me because they said I wasn't allowed!) I stayed at the house with the kids watching through the window for some action!! A lady who bought land about one month ago for a brand new start was fighting with gang members hired by the owners of the land! The owner sent these gang members to kick her out! She was pregnant and had another kid, but was ready to fight! Pastor David went up and was the mediator between them all! Everything is fine now! Just praying that Gods will reign over the land of Jicamarca!

Psalms 51:10-11 says this," Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from your presence and do not take you Holy Spirit from me."
That has been my prayer this week! Renew a steadfast spirit within me! Let me stay in your presence and sit at your feet! I want to feel your heartbeat! Let my words be few, and your words be plenty! I continue to seek the face of God for direction and answers! I believe that God has something great for me still! Please keep me in your prayers because I speak again this Saturday and Sunday! I am excited and I know that God will speak through me in mighty ways!

Thank you to everyone for praying for me and for David and Ceci! Your prayers have been a big help to us! I have a word of the week for you: guacala.... which means yucky! The phrase of the week is ¿Que pasa mi barrio? Which means what's up my gang, crew, or friends! Its some slang for you! Can't wait to write again! Praying that everyone has an awesome week!
Love, Austyn!

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