Thursday, December 3, 2009

Are you contagious?

We had youth service last night.  God really moved and spoke to me.  One of the leaders got up on stage and made a very powerful statement.  I want to infect this nation, this world with a disease called Christ. I want to be the one contagious to spread His name throughout places.  What are you doing to spread Christ? As much as I love a one way conversation, and trust me I do love hearing my own voice I want your opinion! Do some talking please...


  1. I want to be contagious too! I realize that being contagious means that I infect others...but sometimes people that are found to be contagious get put in isolation. Obviously, from a disease point of view this is important because we don't want to injure or bring harm to others. I want to be contagious but sometimes God puts me in isolation to work on me so that I am contagious with life...not death. My prayer...."God, let my times of isolation launch me beyond my life to infect others with Your life!"

  2. Wow. Kind of where I was going to continue with my post on leaders. While you were in Peru, after praise and worship in the cave I just sat and wrote out three pages of the fire and passion I saw after total abandonment 2008 and how intense and impowered we all were and how that Doesn't have to go away and we have grown as a youth group and there is no reason for it to be quiet now. Ah, talk to me at the cave wednesday! :) I love you girl.
