Tuesday, December 8, 2009

To trust or not to trust that is the question??

I hope that everyone has had a great start to their week.  I have been pressing into the word of God this week.  Looking to see what He has for me.  I found an old journal today. It is crazy to read things that you wrote, To look back and see how much you have grown since then.  There is this one journal entry about Trust I want to share with you. 

Life revolves around trust.
Who do we trust?
The guy who works at the supermarket or the girl at school?
Trust is the issue.
Not just an issue for you or me but for everyone. 
How do you gain someones trust?
When do you start trusting someone?
There are so many questions to ask yourself about trust.
I do know this one thing about trust, You can trust God.
He always has your best interest at heart.
Sometimes it doesn't seem like he has everything under control and sometimes you wonder if He is ever really there.  I am here to tell you He is.
Even if things are crazy and you don't understand everything He is always looking out for you and has an amazing plan for your life if you let Him in your life.

It may be hard to put your trust in people, But that is okay.  It is not people that we are suppose to trust anyways. In Proverbs 3:5-6 in the message says,"Trust God from the bottom of your heart;
   don't try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go;
   he's the one who will keep you on track. Don't assume that you know it all."

Quit trying to figure everything out on your own. Put your trust in God. He is the one to trust!
Even though we may be smart people there is still a lot out there for us to learn.  We don't know it all yet.  Listen for God's voice.  He is speaking even right now.  If you just take a moment and stop talking and do the listening then you will hear His voice.
One way conversations are great..... But what is your opinion?

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Sissy, I'm so proud of you. I can see "God's Amazing Grace" growth in every word you have written.
    The two most important words you will ever hear the Lord speak to you are, "TRUST ME."
    I love you much, Sweetie. Love grandma
