Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tu eres la Luz, You are the Light!

I have been back in the United States for two weeks now.  I am in a part of life that most people get to but rush right out of it.  Transitions.  I don't think people really honestly like having to sit and wait.  The waiting periods are the most important periods in people lives.  What we do in those periods determines the outcome of our future.  The cool part about the waiting periods is we are never alone! God always is there to help guide us through. Something that God has been sharing with me is that He is the Light to direct our paths.  There is a song that a very good friend of mine wrote.  It talks about Jesus being the light!  It is in Spanish so I will have to translate it. It says, "You are the light that enlightens my path.  You are the source to man's life.  You are the truth Jesus that sets me free.  You are the way, the truth, and the life.  I do not need to see reasons to realize that great is your love my Lord.  I look beyond on the storm so that I can find you.  I would give everything for just one moment in your presence.  All of me to just worship you before your throne.  Nothing is as important as your love." I love this song.  I think it is so beautiful.  The first phrase of this song say that You are the light that enlightens my path. Don't forget that He enlightens our paths. We don't need worry because He is the lamp that guides our feet. As long as you let Him.  Are you letting God light your path this week??

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