Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Joy through Pain.

Joy unexplainable Joy.
Joy through the fire and the flames.
Joy through the thick and the thin.
Joy through all of the pain I choose Joy.
Joy when it gets tough I choose Joy.

What is your choice?
When we are drowning in pain, everything seems to be going wrong, we have a choice.  We can either choose to be overwhelmed by everything around us, let the pain get to us, and get all mad. Or we can choose to bring Joy into the situation, Rejoice even though the world seems to be caving in around us, Praise the awesome name of God when it doesn't seem right to be giving praise.  In John chapter 16:20-22 says," I tell you the truth, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy.   A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world.  So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy."  Even though you may be going through birth pains now push through the pain because in the end comes a joy that no one can take away.  When you are pregnant with dreams and desires inside of you they will be pain.  Just like when a woman is pregnant she may go through morning sickness, her back may hurt, she is going to eat some funky things, and things may be a little out of place.   It is the same in the spiritual.  Things may seem out of the ordinary but push through the pain.  In the end will be unexplainable Joy that not one person can take away.   This is just something I am saying to make you feel better, it is biblical.   I just read the bible verse.   I didn't make this up.  A one way convo is pretty cool.....but what is your opinion??

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

To trust or not to trust that is the question??

I hope that everyone has had a great start to their week.  I have been pressing into the word of God this week.  Looking to see what He has for me.  I found an old journal today. It is crazy to read things that you wrote, To look back and see how much you have grown since then.  There is this one journal entry about Trust I want to share with you. 

Life revolves around trust.
Who do we trust?
The guy who works at the supermarket or the girl at school?
Trust is the issue.
Not just an issue for you or me but for everyone. 
How do you gain someones trust?
When do you start trusting someone?
There are so many questions to ask yourself about trust.
I do know this one thing about trust, You can trust God.
He always has your best interest at heart.
Sometimes it doesn't seem like he has everything under control and sometimes you wonder if He is ever really there.  I am here to tell you He is.
Even if things are crazy and you don't understand everything He is always looking out for you and has an amazing plan for your life if you let Him in your life.

It may be hard to put your trust in people, But that is okay.  It is not people that we are suppose to trust anyways. In Proverbs 3:5-6 in the message says,"Trust God from the bottom of your heart;
   don't try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go;
   he's the one who will keep you on track. Don't assume that you know it all."

Quit trying to figure everything out on your own. Put your trust in God. He is the one to trust!
Even though we may be smart people there is still a lot out there for us to learn.  We don't know it all yet.  Listen for God's voice.  He is speaking even right now.  If you just take a moment and stop talking and do the listening then you will hear His voice.
One way conversations are great..... But what is your opinion?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Are you contagious?

We had youth service last night.  God really moved and spoke to me.  One of the leaders got up on stage and made a very powerful statement.  I want to infect this nation, this world with a disease called Christ. I want to be the one contagious to spread His name throughout places.  What are you doing to spread Christ? As much as I love a one way conversation, and trust me I do love hearing my own voice I want your opinion! Do some talking please...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tu eres la Luz, You are the Light!

I have been back in the United States for two weeks now.  I am in a part of life that most people get to but rush right out of it.  Transitions.  I don't think people really honestly like having to sit and wait.  The waiting periods are the most important periods in people lives.  What we do in those periods determines the outcome of our future.  The cool part about the waiting periods is we are never alone! God always is there to help guide us through. Something that God has been sharing with me is that He is the Light to direct our paths.  There is a song that a very good friend of mine wrote.  It talks about Jesus being the light!  It is in Spanish so I will have to translate it. It says, "You are the light that enlightens my path.  You are the source to man's life.  You are the truth Jesus that sets me free.  You are the way, the truth, and the life.  I do not need to see reasons to realize that great is your love my Lord.  I look beyond on the storm so that I can find you.  I would give everything for just one moment in your presence.  All of me to just worship you before your throne.  Nothing is as important as your love." I love this song.  I think it is so beautiful.  The first phrase of this song say that You are the light that enlightens my path. Don't forget that He enlightens our paths. We don't need worry because He is the lamp that guides our feet. As long as you let Him.  Are you letting God light your path this week??

Friday, November 20, 2009

Premature, Overdue, Or right on time!

Well the time has come to finish up the blog! This will be the very last blog that I write!

Last Friday after leaving the Internet and we went out shopping! Jean Carlos, Rosita and I went out to find gifts for me to bring home to my family! It was a beautiful day. We had a fabulous time laughing at everything. I do have a funny story from that day. We were just walking and looking at the shops and me and my Spanglish was just talking away! I looked and Jean Carlos and said," Si perro." For all who don't know the word pero with one R means but and the word perro with 2 R's means dog! He looked at me and said I can't believe you called me a dog! I put on my big sad face and said you knew what I meant ha ha! It was a fun day and a fun way to bring an end to my trip!
That night we went down to the beach with Jovana as well and took pictures! The beach was absolutely gorgeous. God is just so amazing! I can't put into words how beautiful He is!

On Saturday night I went back to one of the first churches I ministered at to minister again! The pastor there (Pastor Agustin) is so sweet! Him and his wife are an amazing couple! I spoke about what gear are you in! A lot of people believe if they are going forward then that is a good thing but in reality if you are going forward but God says wait then you are doing something wrong!
It's not about the direction your going in, it is about the obedience you have to go in that direction! It went very well that night! God used me to speak to about 30 youth! I am so thankful that God chose me! There are a lot of people in the world that He could use to share His word but he chose me! And He has chosen you too. Just listen to what He has to say. He could be calling you now. Don't become comfortable where you are that when God calls you immediately say not now! Open your ears and listen to what He has to say....It won't be easy! One of my new favorite statements is this," Faith makes things possible not easy." Just because we have faith does not mean it will be easy it will be possible though!

Sunday was my last day in Peru and probably the hardest I had! I never realized on how much of an impact the people had made on my life, and that I would be leaving them! I was speaking that night and very nervous! For everyone who knows me goodbyes are not something I am good at, nor do I like doing them! I remember thinking that day as I was preparing to speak God why do I feel like this on the inside, Why does it have to be so hard? I just felt a spirit of peace right after that, telling me everything will be ok!
That Sunday afternoon I read my entire journal from the day I left the states to that day! It is crazy to see how much I grew from that! What I preached on the Sunday wasn't some radical dropped dead in the spirit message. I just wanted to encourage them. I believe God had shared stuff with me while I had been there and I wanted to share that with them so they could press on through the hard times! My first point was Trust and Be Led. Render the steering wheel of your life to God and let Him lead you. The second point was Let God be God. He is so amazing! Nothing we do can even compare to Him! So let God be God. The third point was when your heart is overwhelmed go to the Rock that is higher than you! The fourth point was an old song that I remembered it goes," Say the name of Jesus. Say the name so Precious. Say the name of Jesus. There is no other name I know. That can dry your tears, erase your fears, and wipe away the pain. When you don't know what else to say and you can't find the words to pray, Just say the name of Jesus." I believe sometimes we forget the power the name of Jesus holds! It doesn't take a fancy prayer or some big speaker with a great message to make big things happen! The name of Jesus is all we need! His name is all we have to say. The fifth thing was to have roots before branches. We have to dig deep and really know who we are before we produce fruit! You can't get a tree without planting a seed at first. Plant your seed and let your roots get down in deep! The last thing I shared with them was about being pregnant with dreams and desires! This was something that God really shared with me the last week I was there! Everyone has been impregnated with dreams and desires, But just like a real baby our dreams can either come premature, overdue, or right on time! Sometimes we try to push before the dream has developed and so there comes many complications through this. A lot of hospital time. Or we become comfortable and don't push! God is whispering in our ears to go, go , go, now is the time for your dream to come forth. Instead of listening and being obedient we become complacent and our dream isn't as fruitful as it could have been! We can also be right on time! To be on time you have to listen, Be obedient, and be willing to sacrifice! I don't know about you but as for me I don't want a premature or overdue dream! I want my dreams to be fruitful and be healthy.

I have a kind of tear jerking story to tell you. This happened on Sunday before, during, and after service. It really touched my heart. Before this week there is a couple who had been hurt and stopped coming to the services. I really loved this couple. Pastor David looked at me and told me on Saturday," Austyn I don't know if they will come." I was very saddened on the inside to know that I may not get to say bye. I wouldn't get to say bye over a super silly situation. I was in the front singing along with Jean Carlos and Jovana. Really worshipping and asking God to speak through me tonight. We were singing a beautiful worship song and I lifted up my head to raise my hands. When I opened my eyes I saw them both in the service. I just started to cry. I was so happy to see them there! Near the end of service Pastor David wanted to pray over me. He had everyone come and lay hands on me! I just broke. Seeing a big man in tears made me cry even more! After service was over and we had had a little goodbye party, It was really time to say goodbye. The couple that I wasn't sure what going to come said goodbye first. His words will always stick with. He said, "Miss Austyn, whenever someone comes here to Peru from another country I try and stay away because I know I will get attached and not want to see them leave. Then it comes time for them to leave and I am very sad. I tried to do that with you but I couldn't. But you know what? You different than all the other missionaries that have come down! I know that you will be back here sometime. And until I am going to do to what you said to do." I couldn't stop crying after that! I will never forget his words! It was what I needed to hear right when I need to hear it! That night was very rough to say goodbye to everyone! I miss them dearly! They are truly my second family! I wish I could have brought them all back with me!

Now being back in the United States is very different! It has its weird moments. I have very happy to be back with my family. I really missed them! Being back brings forth new challenges and new difficulties. I am ready to face them and for the next step in life! I don't know where God will bring me next. I do know that I will rest in Him until the next door is open! For everyone who is wondering I will make it back to Peru sometime! I don't know when but I do know that this was the first of many times I will be there! My stomach is having a little harder time than I excepted. It takes some getting used to when you go from eating all natural foods to processed foods.

I want to encourage everyone to keep a humble spirit! To lean not on what you have always known but what God has said about you. He will direct your paths and He will tell you the next step! Sit and wait in His presence until the time is right! Let Him be your strength. Let Him help you through the process! We serve an awesome God! He is truly amazing beyond explanation!

Please Continue to pray for Peru. Continue to pray for Pastor David and Cecilia Hodges. There is always stuff going on. I have received some crazy information this past week since being home and we need to continue to pray for them. I believe that God's name will be exalted and glorified through every situation!
Love Austyn

Friday, November 13, 2009

Are you dreams premature??

Counting down the days till I say good bye to Peru! I have different feelings. I am very excited to come home and see everyone but I am also very sad to say bye to my new friends and family here in Peru. It is a lot harder than what I imagined it be based on what people told me. I am trying to remember all of the things that have happened since last Friday.

I told you in my last blog that we had an Outreach or Campaign on Saturday. It went super great! We had around 100 people there and between 15-20 gave their hearts to Jesus. It was super neat to see!! We worked on the outreach for a couple hours during the day with another church. They had to come a long way to help and they were such a big help. I am so very thankful for their help!! Sunday was great service. We had a guest pastor from the amazon. It was a little hard to understand and translate because he spoke very fast, but he was funny. We had some visitors at church who were at the outreach the day before.I was excited to see that!! It was a great weekend!

Monday was an ordinary day. Nothing new or exciting really went on. But Tuesday was another story. We woke up early that morning because this was the day we were going to the Hillsong United concert. I was so excited! Wow the concert was amazing. I started to tear up before the concert when I realized that I was leaving. When we got in the concert and they started to sing the songs in Spanish and English I couldn't help but cry. I was crying because the lyrics in the song. They kept talking about making God your all and lifting His name up on high! God really spoke to me saying that it is not about where you are and who you are with it is about bringing glory to his name. When you have this perspective then it helps you wherever you are in life.

Wednesday and Thursday were pretty normal days. I am going to say that there is not a day that I don't cry now. I am crying every day because just realizing that I am leaving here. Thursday was terrible. One of the ladies in the church was telling me something and I had to walk away. She was telling me about her little boy Jeimy. I teach him English everyday of the week. I told all the kids on Wednesday that Thursday would be my last class with them. He went home and asked his mom what did Miss Austyn mean by that I don't understand! She told him she has to go back to the United States. He looked at his mom and said but she lives with the pastor she lives with pastor... mom. I just started to cry when she told me this. I love the people here. I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would come here and feel so loved and feel so at home. No one could have prepared me for this.

Today is my last free day. I am going shopping with my best friends and people that will always be in my heart. I want to bring them in my suitcase with me lol. Tomorrow night I am preaching at a youth group again. It is the same one as I went to in the beginning. I am super excited!! On Sunday I am preaching here in Jicamarca for the last time on this trip. I am believing that God will speak through me and will move in mighty ways! I am very excited to see what God has to do these last days!

Something that God spoke to me yesterday which was very good. You can be impregnated with dreams and desires and give birth prematurely or be overdue. Or you can give birth at the right time. As long as you are seeking His face and glorifying His name then it will be the right time!! You may be pregnant with a dream but if you try to push to soon or wait too late then there could be problems with the dream. I want to give birth to a healthy dream! Something that will live long after I am gone! So are your dreams premature? Are they overdue? There is always a time of waiting, of growing, and of stretching. It is very uncomfortable... so sometimes we try and push before the dream is ready. Sometimes even though it is painful we get use to the pain so we don't push!! Whatever your situation is I want to encourage you to last through the pain and push when the time is right. Wait... but don't wait too long! Listen! Tune in your ear! See with the eyes of Christ!

Thanks everyone for your prayers! I am very excited to be coming home and to see everyone! I will be getting on the plane on Monday morning bright and early. Please continue to pray for Jicamarca and Pastor David and Ceci! There are a lot of things going on with the land that I don't understand. We just have to know that it is in God's hands. Please pray that God speaks through me on Saturday and Sunday. I want His presence to fill the room. I know that He has something great in store. Thanks again everyone for praying! I can't wait to tell you all the stories!
Well it is time to go shopping! I am very excited! I am going to buy gifts hehe! I also have my last English class with the adults. It should be a great day.
Thanks again for everything you do!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Every Heir Goes Through The Slave Stage!

What a wonderful week!
A lot has gone on since the last blog!!

Last Friday, after leaving the internet we went straight home. I have English class with the adults on Friday nights so we went home so I could prepare. After class around 10 at night there was a knock on the door. A lady and her father were at the door... she had been beaten up by the gang members. Her face was terribly swollen and she could barely close her mouth. It was a horrible thing! The next day they did everything they could to get a report filed. I was at home all day wondering what was going on... they went to the police station and filed a report but the police officers had been payed off by the gang members. It was a pretty twisted situation! She is scared because she knows she is doing the right thing and in doing so it puts her life in danger. Everything seems to be good with the situation now. Pastor David talk with a congressmen and I believe she is going to receive protection. God is so awesome!

Sunday was such a fun day... but before I get to the fun part I have a serious story to tell you. Pastor David had a meeting with Mario (who is a land owner) and some other pretty important people. One of whom is in politics and has a lot of money. This politician is a "not so good" man. They came to the church about 1 hour before we were suppose to start. I was in the church with Jean Carlos, Cesar and Rosita when Pastor David walked in the church and called my name. He gave me his cell phone, looked at me very sternly and seriously and said,"Austyn take my phone and pretend like you are talking on it. I have something serious for you right now. There is a white car in the road, and in that white car are the bad guys that beat up the girl. They are terrible. I want you to go to the guys pretending to talk on the phone and take a picture. DON'T let them see you. I need this picture." My hands started to tremble and my knees started to shake. I walked to the house, got out my camera and took pictures. But of course when I did this... I took them of the wrong men. What happened was, when I got to the house there was no white car... so I took pictures of the only men outside! It was kinda funny inside the house with Jovana. You should have been a fly on the wall for that situation.
After that happened and things calmed down we started church service!
Sunday just couldn't be a normal church service... now could it. Jean Carlos asked me to sing. UGH JC! So it was Jean Carlos, Me and Jovana singing! I knew most of the songs we sang that day which was good until we got to the two songs I didn't know in English or in Spanish. It was pretty hilarious if I do say so myself!
After service we celebrated Jeimy's Birthday. It was lots of fun! After the party we had a little drama practice which went good. We have an outreach tomorrow so we needed to practice a drama. We also broke out the guitar and had a little worship time. It was so great.I love acoustic worship. It was lovely.

Monday and Tuesday were pretty normal days. I did school with Eliel Hodges, studied Spanish, taught English to the kids, and studied the Bible. This is pretty normal and as uneventful as possible in Jicamarca.
Wednesday was a fantastic day. Wednesday night we had a small group in the home of one of the couples in the church. It was a very good time. One of the ladies asked a question at the end and even brought her own bible. I love seeing God move in the lives of people. It's a lot of fun to watch.
Yesterday....hmmmmm...what happened on Thursday?
You see when you have something interesting happen almost everyday it is very easy to get your days mixed up and confused!
I will have two not new students tonight. They are two students who barely ever come to English class. I am very excited. One said, "I will be there at 8 on the dot" and the other said, "I will be there at 7:59 and 59 seconds!" I don't really believe them...we will see!!
If they do come I think my mouth may drop to the ground. It will be pretty crazy!
We almost had an extra client in the business today because we said I was going to cook but then I realized I was going to the internet! Whoops lol!

Yesterday I was reading in Galatians. In Galatians 4 it talks about being an heir. Every heir before they are ready to take the throne goes through a process to get him ready for the throne. Every heir starts as a slave. Even Jesus went through that process. He served first before he sat on the throne next to his father. We have to serve first. There is a time for everything. There is a spot on the throne for us and there is a time for us to take that spot!

Something else God spoke to me this week was He is the Power! A very powerful ax in the Master's Hand accomplishes much. The very same powerful ax in the hands of a little kid has no power! It is not the weapon that matters but whether you have the Master's Hand wielding the instrument. Who is wielding your instrument?

I am beginning to prepare myself to come home. I am leaving here in 10 days! I feel like I just arrived in Peru and now I am getting ready to leave. It is a hard thing to leave relationships behind. I am very excited to see family and friends and share the stories with everyone.
I am going to finish this phase strong so that I start the next one strong. I am ready for whatever God has for me.

Thank you everyone for your prayers. They have been a big help. Please Continue to pray that God's will be done. One of the men in Congress is suppose to be coming out this week and bringing an investigator! Pray that the Lords will be done. Also tomorrow we have a BIG outreach. We are expecting a lot of people and for GOD to shake Jicamarca! It is going to be an amazing night were God shines. I am very excited of the things to come. Thanks again to everyone for you support. Your prayers have made a difference!
Love you,